Thursday, January 5, 2023

Standing On The Promises

 Raise your hand if you've never gone through trials in your life. If you did, you're probably young and just haven't had anything major happen yet.

Keyword, "YET".

R. Kelso Carter was a professor, doctor and hymn writer. Though a professed Christian, it wasn't until he had a medical event with his physical heart that his spiritual heart was awakened. His hymn, Standing On The Promises was written when he was reminded of Isaiah 43:2, When thou passeth through the waters, I will be with thee. 

I arranged this piece for easy band after passing through my own deep waters:

  • The loss of adequate income
  • The loss of all parents and parents-in-law
  • The separation from my adult kids
  • Mr. Beaudry's cancer diagnosis, treatment and eventual death
The two promises that kept me going were, 

"God loves you" and "God always wants the best for you"

Those two thoughts were intertwined in the piece by the songs Jesus Loves Me and God Will Take Care of You.  Deep waters don't even begin to describe the darkness and hurting one goes through at a time like that. It fundamentally changes a person. These three songs, along with Scripture, were the only thing that brought comfort during that time.

If you're interested in listening to the arrangement, Click here.
If you're a band director and want to purchase the arrangement for your band, Click here.
If you're just a person in need of someone to talk to, comment below or find a pastor or Christian counsellor. 

God loves you and He always wants the best for you.

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